
Optical Bonding

Here are sticked together both touch screens and glass plates with each other ("Optical bonding 1")
or with the display ("Optical bonding 2") under clean-room conditions.

without Optical Bonding:                                  with Optical Bonding:

Optical Bonding


The advantages:

Optical Bonding




Optical Bonding


Here is a comparison without and with Optical Bonding
  • less reflection - by sticking together the glass plates light refraction is reduced and the contrast
    increased. Therefore better readability without higher power consumption even in case of critical
    lighting conditions
  • longer service life - by closing the isolating air gap between the glass plates heat can escape to
    the outside, a better heat dissipation is created.
  • higher robustness - a bonded design is more stable and resistant against mechanical loads,
    thus the device becomes generally more robust, too.
  • no condensation - as there is no air gap between glass plate and touch screen or display, no
    moisture can penetrate and settle out, condensation is excluded.
  • dust-free execution - by cleanroom production is the inclusion
    particles and consequent visual impact
  • improved appearance - improved appearance of the display to the user


Wöhr offers its own optical bonding service

For this purpose, we have evaluated and installed process methods for both liquid (LOCA)
and solid (OCA) materials.
The selection is made depending on the requirements and is
carried out under clean room conditions.

This service is available independently or in addition to various displays. In addition,
we have extensive experience in the qualification and procurement of displays.

Optical bonding is a complex process - we would be happy to advise you!

Call us: +49 7081 9540-0

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arrange a video / web conference

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